Bursitis Foot Treatment

Foot Bursitis Treatment - OSMO Patch

Are you suffering from inflammation, swelling or other painful symptoms of Foot Bursitis?

Is Foot Bursitis pain affecting your work, sleep or lifestyle?

Like most people suffering from swelling, inflammation & the associated pain you probably answered yes to at least one or more of the above questions. If so then it’s time to discover the OSMO Patch!

Discover a Natural Alternative Foot Bursitis Treatment with the OSMO Patch!

Product boxes for the OSMO Patch, both a 10 pack and a 20 pack.

Why choose the OSMO Patch?

Discover how the OSMO Patch, combined with proper rest, may be one of the most important decisions you can take towards becoming pain free and regaining your quality of life again.

We begin your journey by answering some of the most common questions asked by people suffering from this condition… SO LET’S BEGIN!

To learn more about foot bursitis and how the OSMO Patch in conjunction with proper rest is used to relieve the pain and reduce the inflammation and swelling associated with bursitis in the feet please continue reading below.

What is foot bursitis?

Throughout the body there are hundreds of small lubricated sacs that act as cushions to help reduce friction and pressure between bones, tendons and muscles moving across each other… these are called bursas. These bursa sacs are also located throughout the foot and when the foot undergoes stress or other injury then they can become inflamed and swell causing intense pain and discomfort… this condition is known as foot bursitis.

Bursitis foot pain often occurs:

Causes of foot bursitis?

Some of the more common causes for bursitis in the foot include:

  • Overuse
  • Prolonged stress to the foot
  • A sudden impact to the foot
  • Repetitive movements, stress and strain to the hip
  • Poor foot wear
  • Underlying inflammatory condition

What are some of the signs & symptoms of foot bursitis?

Signs and symptoms of bursitis in the foot may include:

  • Pain wearing certain footwear,
  • Pain when walking, jogging or running,
  • Tenderness and discomfort in the toes, ball of the foot or heel,

Foot bursitis treatments?

Normally your doctor will recommend painkillers, anti-inflammatory medication, or a cortisone steroid injection. Occasionally surgery may even be suggested by some doctors when bursitis persists and ongoing pain becomes unbearable.

Unfortunately for many individuals suffering pain and discomfort from foot bursitis the above treatments discussed may just not be suitable and this could be for several reasons such as;

  • Many people would have already tried one or more of the above treatments with little to no benefit.
  • Some people may have pre-existing medical conditions or allergies that do not allow them to use certain medications.
  • Some people may simply prefer to avoid painful injections or strong medications and instead opt for a natural bursitis foot treatment.

Fortunately, the OSMO Patch now offers an Intelligent & 100% Natural Alternative method to treat foot bursitis!

The OSMO Patches have been especially developed to draw fluid out of the body, reducing swelling and the associated pain in conditions such as bursitis in the foot.

Simply stick the OSMO Patch over the area of the foot where pain or inflammation occurs and prior to going to sleep. The patches will then go to work reducing inflammation by removing fluid and stimulating blood flow continually all through the night while you sleep. Then when you wake in the morning the used patch is removed and simply discarded.

It is truly that simple! >> See what people are saying after trying the OSMO Patch

The OSMO Patch used together with proper rest now provides an effective alternative method to relieve inflammation and pain associated with bursitis in the foot.

What’s more, the OSMO Patch:

  • Provides Pain Free Effective Relief!
  • Is an Intelligent Natural Alternative!
  • Contains Absolutely No Drugs or Steroids!
  • Is Non-Invasive & works while you SLEEP!, & importantly…
  • Is Backed by our 90 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

So if you are ready for a natural & effective approach to supporting the relief of inflammation and pain caused by bursitis in the foot then the OSMO Patch is the Answer!

ORDER the OSMO Patch Today!

OSMO Patch single pack

1 x 10 Pk OSMO Patch


* Plus fixed price worldwide P&H

OSMO Patch 2 Pack


2 x 10 Pk OSMO Patch

$79.90  $69.95*

* Plus fixed price worldwide P&H

Note: Not suitable for individuals with seafood or shellfish allergies.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is intended for individuals who have been medically diagnosed with bursitis in the foot. If you suspect that you have bursitis in the foot then it is important to visit a qualified medical professional in order to rule out any other possible causes prior to considering any advice or treatment option.


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Ankle and hips (trochanter bursitis)

Thank you very much.

I have used the patches on three areas with amazing results. One was on my ankle, 12 hours later the pain was completely resolved. The other two were on my hips for greater trochanter bursitis.

Both hips feel not completely pain-free, but a dramatic difference.

So thank you, and I have to say I am amazed.

Mandi D
NSW, Australia
Heel bursitis

Hi Toky, the patches are starting to offer relief for my son’s heel. He is finally looking on the bright side.

Over the past month, he has had 2 drainages, 2 cortisone shots, and referred to 2 different specialists. The end result was either an operation to shave the bone, reattach the tendon and be off his game for a season…..not his option.

So I started the patches on him that night. The next day relief was evident. We have used 6 so far and he can now feel the bone in his heel. It is still red, but nowhere as bad. Still tender, but not as painful.

Thank you so much.

Colleen O
NSW, Australia
Achilles Enthesopathy

I used this patch from yesterday.

My first patch application was wonderful. I feel no pain and discomfort on my retrocalcaneal area.

After removal of patch I could see some fluid or discharges like a chocolate color discharge on my applied area.

Bibin J
VIC Australia
Bursitis in the ball of the foot

Hi, I have had bursitis in the ball of my left foot for 2 months and it was suggested I have a cortisone injections. This freaked me out and decided to look online for a natural remedy and found these.

Well after 2 nights of the patches the pain and swelling have reduced a huge amount.

I am so impressed I will recommend this product to anyone who asks of the benefits.


Zoë H
QLD, Australia)
Bursitis in heel

Dear Wonderful Mediwise Pty. Ltd.

My brother bought your patches for the bursitis in my heel.

After the first patch on Tuesday, I saw no results. After the second patch, I was actually worse. Then while wearing the third patch yesterday, I was thrilled to see improvement…so much so that I cancelled the appointment that I had with the doctor…scheduled for today!

Now I’m using the fifth patch, and of course am anxious to see what the end of today will bring.


Judy B
Georgia, United States
Ankle (Achilles Bursitis)

About 2 years ago I developed bursitis on my right ankle which was extremely painful. I tried traditional physio, ultrasound, laser, and stretching to no avail.

I discovered the OSMO Patch website and decided to keep an open mind and try the OSMO Patch.

After all those months of continuous pain, much to my surprise, I experienced a significant improvement such that I can now walk several kilometers, and am not in constant pain all day long! I have now ordered a 3rd set of Patches, and am sure these will end the problem entirely.

Dave Livingstone
British Columbia, Canada
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