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Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Shoulder problems

Dear Danniel, I’ve just ordered my second lot of patches and have noticed a vast improvement in my shoulder. I just wanted to let you know I think they are working and will continue to use them. Thank you and I will be telling people all about your website.  Regards

Janet R
SA, Australia
Shoulder problems

Hi Toky,  I just received my parcel yesterday Wed Dec. 29th and after following the directions how to apply I put one on and it’s easing the pain in my shoulder. It seems that it’s working for me and I have to be careful to watch the food I am eating. I am quite please […]

Calgary Alberta, Canada
Bursitis in the hip

I have always been a very active person over the years. A couple of years ago I developed quite a discomfort in my left hip. I attempted to ignore it, but after much deliberation went to see a doctor. After scans it was diagnosed as bursitis. I went for cortisone injections twice, but it really did not ease the pain much.

After coming across the OSMO patch website, not having anything to lose, I immediately ordered 10 of the patches. I placed a patch on the affected hip for a total of three nights. I was absolutely stunned that after the third application, the pain in my hip had disappeared. It was a few weeks before I actually needed to reapply any more patches due to a small amount of pain returning. I assume that the problem will always be there, however, it is very comforting to know that the OSMO patches are available so that you can virtually live pain-free.

Extremely happy that I stumbled on the website.

Bruce M
WA, Australia
General Bursitis

I bought OSMO product hoping it would work for my bursitis.  I am pleased to say it did I am very satisfied.  Could you send me any info you have of other products. Please.   Thank you

Joyce B.
New Jersey, United States
Joint Pain - Swollen Knee

Just to give you an update: I finally received my order and I’m very happy to say that this helps me a lot with the swelling on my knee. Thank you.

Ofelia V
NY, United States
Swollen elbow


My name is Garry Gracey; I am a former HANDBALL CHAMPION. I banged my elbow while playing handball. It became swollen after a few days, and my family doctor recommended not to drain the bursa on the elbow but to have it take its natural healing course. “Being impatient” I googled and found OSMO Patches. They were AMAZING in such that after 5 applications of OSMO patches, the swelling on my elbow disappeared.

For a visual of the before and after, attached are the pictures.

Thank you very much,

Garry I. Gracey
British Columbia, Canada
General Bursitis

Hi, Just a feedback on the patches. I was certainly won over by them. Great product and would recommend them. Merry Xmas to all. Regards

Dawn T
VIC, Australia
Elbow bursitis

Dear Toky, this is to follow up on my last email.

After the 7th patch, the swelling began to go down. I did have to use all 10 patches, but by that time the swelling was gone and my elbow was back to normal.

So the patches did work, and I am completely satisfied. I would buy them again and recommend them to others.

Thanks so much.

Tom F
California, United States
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