Do the adhesives contain latex or PVC?

No, we do not use latex or PVC in the adhesives. The adhesives are instead made from thermoplastic rubber; Styrene-isoprene-styrene rubber (SIS) coated onto a spunlace non-woven Fabric.

If you are allergic to thermoplastic rubber; Styrene-isoprene-styrene rubber (SIS), then you should not use the adhesives supplied. If you are unsure, then it is always best to cut a small test strip to try before full use.

If you are allergic and you still wish to try the patches, you can consider buying your own low irritant adhesives from a chemist or otherwise you may consider using a bandage as a substitute for holding the patch in place if appropriate.


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Bursa on elbow

Hi, I want to add to your list of testimonials my experience.

I developed a bursa on my right elbow by supporting a heavy motor which was the size of a tennis ball. I was attracted by your lists of results and tried 10 patches. The bursa reduced in size to perhaps a golf ball, Determined to follow through, I bought 10 more and continued treatment.

It has now disappeared completely and not returned. I have little doubt your patches worked the miracle on my elbow and heartily endorse their claims to fame.

Jim K
Lancashire, United Kingdom
General Bursitis

Hello My name is Rose Cochrane I purchased your bursitis patches, and I would like to tell you that I had tremendous relief from your patches. I have also spread the word told my doctor, and my cousin who has just purchased your patches, her name is Lorraine XXXX. Thank you so much. I will […]

Rose C
QLD, Australia
Bakers cyst on the knee


I got the patches yesterday evening. I have had five knee operations on my right knee and have arthritis. I also have a baker’s cyst on the back of my knee and off to the front.

I tried it last night and I was surprised at the results and it actually took away some of the swelling. I work out every other day and I think these will help.


Leo J
Alabama, United States
Bakers Cyst on the knee

I hurt my knee quite severely when out bushwalking in the Mt Mitchell National Park. I hadn’t been doing much strenuous walking and on the way down I got a nasty pain in my knee.

My doctor told me I had a Bakers Cyst on the knee. I found your website and the OSMO Patch sounded like a good idea and I ordered it. It arrived within seven days of placing the order and it relieved the pain overnight. I find if I use the patches for three nights (until it’s dry) I have no pain for several weeks.

I like it because it’s a natural non-invasive treatment and above all it works. I don’t like taking pills and anti-inflammatory medication and prefer natural methods over drugs.

Gabrielle W
QLD, Australia
Baker's cyst


I recently ordered the OSMO Patches and have already felt the pain decrease on my baker’s cyst.

Thank you.

Patricia N
Arizona, United States
Baker's cyst

I used the patch for 3 days and I do a difference in the size of the cyst, how many days in a row can the patch be used? Any restrictions?

Elizabeth C.
New Jersey, United States
Bursa in elbow

Thank you so much for your attention and immediate response to my e-mail.

About 9 months ago I slipped on a ladder and banged my elbow which resulted in a bursa sac; This was the first time ever, but about two months ago it happened again. Your patches worked great both times. They significantly reduced my recovery time.

Thanks again!

Kent A
Florida, United States
General Bursitis

Hi Toky The patches work so well. I will have to keep these ones for myself.  I have been convincing others of their worth. Many, many thanks

Judith W
Palmerston North, New Zealand
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