Debbie S

Hi Toky

I have received my patches and used one last night on my hip. It’s an absolute miracle!! I have been suffering on and off for three years with Bursitis on my left hip.  My GP has given me cortisone injections and anti inflammatorys both of which have given some relief but not lasted and certainly not to this effect. I am due to have physio in the near future also.

I appreciate it has not cured the cause, but at least now I can work on that without the constant pain, and worse off all the lack of sleep.
A big thank you


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Elbow bursitis

Great product!

I have to admit when I first applied the patch I was a bit skeptical, but after the first application the swelling in my elbow was greatly reduced and after about six applications the swelling was completely gone!

I have been free of bursitis for several months!

United States
Bursitis in my Elbow

Attention Toky, Customer care.

Hi Toky, just to say we’ve ordered 20 more patches as the first lot really improved the Bursitis in my Elbow. It reduced the pain mainly, but although it seems full of fluid in the mornings the swelling has not reduced greatly.

Mind you it’s quite an art fitting them firmly to an elbow and still being able to move!


John W
QLD, Australia)
Elbow bursitis

My elbow and shoulder were both injured at the same time, which were attended to by a highly respected orthopaedic physician.

After treatment, my shoulder fully recovered but the bursitis continued in full bloom. My doctor did not suggest draining it because the bursitis would likely return. After 7 weeks of no relief I researched the Internet for answers. That is when I discovered your product. On applying your patch to my elbow for 3 days the bursitis disappeared.

Simply amazing. Thank you!

Robert F
Florida, United States
Baker's cyst

Hi there!

My mother had 20 patches, it made a lot of difference for her knee, she got a big relief out of it, she started bending her knee now after many years,

With best regards

Mesrak M
Argyll, United Kingdom
Baker's cyst

Hello, Thanks very much…. This order is my second one…. I developed a Baker’s cyst (I think) behind my left knee, jumping up and down hard on a truckload of brush I was trying to compact…. I’m 67 years old, and the next morning, I had pain behind my knees, then a large egg behind […]

Sam E
California, United States
Baker's cyst

I have used the patches for a week now and am happy to say that the swelling of my bakers cyst has reduced to the point of very little pain now. I am so pleased that I will tell my consultant about the patches, and my daughter who is a holistic nutritionist. She will recommend […]

Marianne N
Arezzo, Italy
Baker's cyst

I received the patches on SATURDAY and this is working fine.                                     THANKS

William B
North Carolina, United States
Baker's cyst caused by torn miniscus

Hi, I have been using the patches for a bakers cyst caused by torn miniscus. The patch takes care of it but in comes back in about a week. Is it safe to use a patch a week for an indefinite amount of time? Thank you,

Susan S
Ohio, United States
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