Ed L

So I had buristis (the size of a hardball) in my elbow. Three doctor visits (3) draining visits, but swelling returned instantly. Tried your patches and after 10 apps.  it has completely disappeared!

Thank You


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Baker's cyst on the back of knee

Thank you, this is my second round of patches.

First, I had a baker’s cyst on the back of my knee, used 6 patches, pain and cyst GONE!

Have had no problems since. So, I gave the rest to a friend. He said his went away but only used 4, so wants to try more, and I have had something come up on my wrist, going to try patches. Will see what happens.

Susanne M.
Missouri, United States
Baker's cyst

Good morning

We have been using your patches for a few days now and we find them helpful.

They are draining fluid from the cyst and that is a good sign.


Andy S
QLD, Australia
Baker's cyst

Dear Toky,

Thank you for your answer. My cyst is on the medial ventral surface of my knee. I have been placing the patches directly on top of the cyst, although it cannot be seen, but I know where it is from the ultrasound studies and the pain.

I believe the area is healing and am very pleased with your product. I keep losing my cane and that is a good sign and means I am needing it less every day.

Thank you again.


Jackie H
Ohio, United States
Baker's cyst

Hi Just a quick note that I feel I needed to write about the OSMO Patches. In September I tripped over while running and fell on my knee which left me with a fractured bone at the back of my knee which in turn ruptured my cruciate ligament. Although back on track now after various […]

Kim C
South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Bursa on elbow

Hi, I want to add to your list of testimonials my experience.

I developed a bursa on my right elbow by supporting a heavy motor which was the size of a tennis ball. I was attracted by your lists of results and tried 10 patches. The bursa reduced in size to perhaps a golf ball, Determined to follow through, I bought 10 more and continued treatment.

It has now disappeared completely and not returned. I have little doubt your patches worked the miracle on my elbow and heartily endorse their claims to fame.

Jim K
Lancashire, United Kingdom
Baker's cyst

I received the patches on SATURDAY and this is working fine.                                     THANKS

William B
North Carolina, United States
Baker's cyst

Thank you.

I never thought I would be able to walk without pain again.

Thanks to your product, I was pain free the day after I applied the first patch.

Marcia M
Indiana, United States
Bursa in elbow

Dear Toky,

My patches arrived on Feb. 10th. I have now used 9 of the patches, wearing one sometimes during the day.

I have noticed significant results, although there is still some swelling in the bursa in my left elbow.

George A
Utah, United States
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