Janet H

So far the patches are working great.



Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Baker's cyst

I have used the patches for a week now and am happy to say that the swelling of my bakers cyst has reduced to the point of very little pain now. I am so pleased that I will tell my consultant about the patches, and my daughter who is a holistic nutritionist. She will recommend […]

Marianne N
Arezzo, Italy
Bursitis of the elbow, knee swelling & leg cramps

My husband healed his bursitis of the elbow with your patches. –

They are amazing, and he is now using 2 patches on each knee at night for knee swelling, and it seems to give him amazing relief from cramps in his legs that kept him awake throughout every night for years.

He has used everything from niacin to bars of ivory soap between the sheets.

Sheila W
Connecticut, United States
Bursitis in heel

Dear Wonderful Mediwise Pty. Ltd.

My brother bought your patches for the bursitis in my heel.

After the first patch on Tuesday, I saw no results. After the second patch, I was actually worse. Then while wearing the third patch yesterday, I was thrilled to see improvement…so much so that I cancelled the appointment that I had with the doctor…scheduled for today!

Now I’m using the fifth patch, and of course am anxious to see what the end of today will bring.


Judy B
Georgia, United States
Baker's cyst

Dear Folks in Australia,

I have just placed my third order with you for your OSMO Patches because they do work and I am so impressed with how they work. No one here at my end has ever seen anything like your patches and I love telling people about them.

I suffer from a Baker’s Cyst and so far, this is the only thing that alleviates the swelling. As you say in your literature, it doesn’t really cure the Cyst but it does give it relief. Amazing!!!

Best wishes

Patty C
Michigan, United States
Baker's cyst

Hello, Thanks very much…. This order is my second one…. I developed a Baker’s cyst (I think) behind my left knee, jumping up and down hard on a truckload of brush I was trying to compact…. I’m 67 years old, and the next morning, I had pain behind my knees, then a large egg behind […]

Sam E
California, United States
Baker's cyst


The Osmo patch definitely helps my baker’s cyst (behind my left knee)!

It is temporary, but the relief is enormous!

I use it every few weeks and the swelling and discomfort abate greatly!

Thank you

Linda M
California, United States
General Bursitis

Hello, I had used these patches and sceptical at first am totally convinced and they do work. Thanks

Gerald P
Florida, United States
General Bursitis

Dear Toky,   Thank you for your prompt response. I’ll look forward using the patches again as they were so successful last time.   Kind regards

Merle O
London, United Kingdom
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