Lyn B


I just reordered some of those wonderful patches. I also wanted to leave some feedback but couldn’t find anywhere on the site. I’ve used the patches once before for my shoulder bursitis. The most pain I have is at night, and it is very hard to sleep.

So, I tried to patches, and to my amazement, the pain is 99% better, and I can sleep. At any time when the pain wakes me, I can go back to sleep (which I couldn’t before).

So, thank you for such a wonderful product. I will be using it again & again.



Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Elbow bursitis

Hi, I wanted to send you a testimonial on the patches.

I woke up one Saturday morning and saw a bulge on my elbow with fluid in there and decided to Google it. I learnt many people opted to drain it. That was not appealing to me at all!

I discovered the OSMO Patches and ordered them. After using the first 3 patches, I noticed my bursitis getting smaller. After the 9th it was almost gone, then totally gone after the 10th patch. Using your patches saved me from having a doctor drain the fluid…thanks!!!

If I know of anyone with bursitis I will be sending them to you ASAP!

Les S
Vancouver, Canada
Bursa on elbow

Hi, I want to add to your list of testimonials my experience.

I developed a bursa on my right elbow by supporting a heavy motor which was the size of a tennis ball. I was attracted by your lists of results and tried 10 patches. The bursa reduced in size to perhaps a golf ball, Determined to follow through, I bought 10 more and continued treatment.

It has now disappeared completely and not returned. I have little doubt your patches worked the miracle on my elbow and heartily endorse their claims to fame.

Jim K
Lancashire, United Kingdom
Shoulder Bursitis

I have had terrible bursitis pain in my right shoulder since Christmas eve, 2017. Have been on various analgesics (on and off) since with varying degrees of success. I stumbled upon your product a few days ago and thought “What the heck, I’ll give it a go as nothing else has worked”. I’ve used the […]

Allan W
NSW, Australia
General Bursitis

Just to let you know-I am totally amazed at how your patches work-the ten patches have removed 95% of the fluid in the bursa-I have ordered more just in case it happens again-I have had major problems before with a busa being drained by needle and infection setting in-so many thanks for a great product-I […]

Peter W
California, United States
Fluid on knees

We have purchased your patches for application on my husband’s knee.  It certainly drained some fluid from his knees, giving some relief after one application.

Sharon B
Alberta, Canada
Elbow Bursitis

The OSMO Patch worked great for my wife’s elbow bursitis,

I’ve placed another order through the website, a work colleague was just diagnosed with hip bursitis and I’ve recommended OSMO Patch.

Fantastic product.

Jackson P
TN, United States
Shoulder bursitis and tendentious

Eight years ago I had a work place accident and injured my left shoulder (bursitis and tendentious). After extensive physio & sports rehab the doctors advised me to get cortisone injections.  Not only was this a painful procedure, it didn’t work! I proceeded to have physio treatment off and on for the next 8 years, […]

Belinda W
SA, Australia
Ankle and hips (trochanter bursitis)

Thank you very much.

I have used the patches on three areas with amazing results. One was on my ankle, 12 hours later the pain was completely resolved. The other two were on my hips for greater trochanter bursitis.

Both hips feel not completely pain-free, but a dramatic difference.

So thank you, and I have to say I am amazed.

Mandi D
NSW, Australia
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