Ofelia V

Just to give you an update: I finally received my order and I’m very happy to say that this helps me a lot with the swelling on my knee. Thank you.


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Baker's cyst.

Back in July I hurt my knee, and later formed a baker’s cyst…it got so bad that I could not bend my knee without a lot of pain. I had to walk with my leg stiff at all times.

I found your website and ordered a ten pack…used them, and in no time the swelling was down, but not gone. I could bend my knee and walk normal…something I have not done since July. I ordered your patches again…Because from the time I used my last patch, til I got my order, some of the swelling and stiffness came back…started using them again…and just like before the cyst is going down…without needles! Love that.

I just want to say thank you!, my knee is almost back to normal… the best thing I have ever used.

Donna J
Missouri, United States
General Bursitis

I have found these patches to be fantastic giving me huge relief. Regards

United States
Bursitis of the elbow, knee swelling & leg cramps

My husband healed his bursitis of the elbow with your patches. –

They are amazing, and he is now using 2 patches on each knee at night for knee swelling, and it seems to give him amazing relief from cramps in his legs that kept him awake throughout every night for years.

He has used everything from niacin to bars of ivory soap between the sheets.

Sheila W
Connecticut, United States
Baker's cyst

Dear Toky,

Thank you for your answer. My cyst is on the medial ventral surface of my knee. I have been placing the patches directly on top of the cyst, although it cannot be seen, but I know where it is from the ultrasound studies and the pain.

I believe the area is healing and am very pleased with your product. I keep losing my cane and that is a good sign and means I am needing it less every day.

Thank you again.


Jackie H
Ohio, United States
Shoulder bursitis and tendentious

Eight years ago I had a work place accident and injured my left shoulder (bursitis and tendentious). After extensive physio & sports rehab the doctors advised me to get cortisone injections.  Not only was this a painful procedure, it didn’t work! I proceeded to have physio treatment off and on for the next 8 years, […]

Belinda W
SA, Australia
General Bursitis

Dear Toky,   Thank you for your prompt response. I’ll look forward using the patches again as they were so successful last time.   Kind regards

Merle O
London, United Kingdom
Swollen elbow


My name is Garry Gracey; I am a former HANDBALL CHAMPION. I banged my elbow while playing handball. It became swollen after a few days, and my family doctor recommended not to drain the bursa on the elbow but to have it take its natural healing course. “Being impatient” I googled and found OSMO Patches. They were AMAZING in such that after 5 applications of OSMO patches, the swelling on my elbow disappeared.

For a visual of the before and after, attached are the pictures.

Thank you very much,

Garry I. Gracey
British Columbia, Canada
General Bursitis

I bought OSMO product hoping it would work for my bursitis.  I am pleased to say it did I am very satisfied.  Could you send me any info you have of other products. Please.   Thank you

Joyce B.
New Jersey, United States
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