Tessa L


I have had bursitis in my right shoulder for more than three years, after about 6 months of physio, I still have a lot of pain. About 1yr & 2 months ago I developed bursitis in the left shoulder and left elbow, which causes me to have very disturbed sleeps and I cannot sleep on my left side, I have had treatment with an Osteopath, the pain subsided only temporarily

I have now used 9 of your patches, 2 on my elbow and the rest on my shoulder, the improvement in my shoulder has been amazing, I still have a lot of pain but the movement has improving so much that I don’t hesitate in getting dressed as previously just pulling a T-shirt over my head was painful.

I have just order another 20 patches that I can apply to the initial right shoulder for more healing.
Thank you so much and I hope more people find your website.
What a blessing.

Cheers for now.


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Shoulder problems

Dear Danniel, I’ve just ordered my second lot of patches and have noticed a vast improvement in my shoulder. I just wanted to let you know I think they are working and will continue to use them. Thank you and I will be telling people all about your website.  Regards

Janet R
SA, Australia
Trochanteric Bursitis

Hello Jordan,

Thank you for your informative reply, I shall take notice of the hints and tips in your e-mail and will apply them during the treatment of my wife’s Trochanteric Bursitis.

It may interest you to know of the progress with the OSMO patches. Days 1 to 4 a small reduction in the swelling in the thigh. Days 4 to 7 a further reduction in swelling but no reduction in pain. Days 8 to 9 swelling almost gone and a big reduction in pain. We now await delivery of our second box of patches and hope the improvement continues.

Thanks for your assistance.

Brian M
Lancs, UK
Baker's cyst

I received the patches on SATURDAY and this is working fine.                                     THANKS

William B
North Carolina, United States
Baker's cyst

Hi Toky,

Received the patches yesterday.

Thanks to you from the old lady for whom I keep purchasing these patches from you. She says these patches are really working wonders on her leg.

Best regards

Ash M.
Ontario, Canada
Baker's cyst

Hello! I wanted to write to let you know that I truly feel that a combination of your OSMO patches and infrared laser treatments on my knee have nearly cured my knee.  I had a probable torn miniscus, and had developed a baker’s cyst behind the knee from the injury.  I am a very active […]

Linda M
Michigan, United States
Baker's cyst

Thank you for responding. I think I will save my last two patches in case I need them. Right now, I have such great improvement, I am no longer wearing the knee brace and I can walk up and down stairs with alternating feet. Have not done that for a while! Thanks again,

Ms. Dale C
Georgia, United States
Baker's cyst behind knee and calf pain

I’ve had a Baker’s cyst behind my right knee, caused by an injury, for 4 years.

It is excruciatingly painful. I received cortisone injections every 3 months to ease the pain, but to no avail. Luckily, I stumbled upon your website. I put one behind my knee and one on the front of my calf. To my surprise, the swelling was greatly reduced by the next morning!

I would absolutely recommend the OSMO patch to anyone with this problem because I truly believe it works wonders.

I am extremely grateful for your product and I hope for many others to experience the relief I have as a result of using your OSMO patches.

Wayne S
New Jersey, United States
Bursa on elbow

Hi, I want to add to your list of testimonials my experience.

I developed a bursa on my right elbow by supporting a heavy motor which was the size of a tennis ball. I was attracted by your lists of results and tried 10 patches. The bursa reduced in size to perhaps a golf ball, Determined to follow through, I bought 10 more and continued treatment.

It has now disappeared completely and not returned. I have little doubt your patches worked the miracle on my elbow and heartily endorse their claims to fame.

Jim K
Lancashire, United Kingdom
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