
I have been prescribed XXXXXXXX 750mg for my shoulder. Tendonitis or bursitis, my Doctor said.

The anti inflammatory meds were working well until I moved some furniture for my wife and then the pain came right back with a vengeance I put a patch on my shoulder last night and was amazed when I removed it this morning! It looked like a used feminine hygiene product! And today the pain is so much better. Amazing! Hopefully I can keep from the needles, cortisone and the MRI.

Thanks so much!


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Bursa in elbow

Thank you so much for your attention and immediate response to my e-mail.

About 9 months ago I slipped on a ladder and banged my elbow which resulted in a bursa sac; This was the first time ever, but about two months ago it happened again. Your patches worked great both times. They significantly reduced my recovery time.

Thanks again!

Kent A
Florida, United States
Baker's cyst


Received patches.. Thanks.

Patches have been positive results for my Baker’s Cyst. Will probably order more patches later on to keep my knee in shape.


Roger B
Alberta, Canada
Baker's cyst


I got my patches. I used it for 12 hrs last night.

The patch was wet and my knee feels better.


Garrett B
Arizona, United States
Baker's Cyst

Thank you for your information. We have experienced a great effect on my mother’s Baker cyst.

Neval A
VIC, Australia
General Bursitis

Hi, I ordered these patches for my father 6 weeks ago also…. They do work.  Thank you.  I have ordered more today.  Please post a.s.a.p. 

Jaskarn S
Peterborough, United Kingdom
General & Knee problems


I have used your patches with great success for a bursa that I got when I was thrown from a horse.

I have used it also for my husband’s knee.


Joan G
North Carolina, United States
Bakers cyst on the knee


I got the patches yesterday evening. I have had five knee operations on my right knee and have arthritis. I also have a baker’s cyst on the back of my knee and off to the front.

I tried it last night and I was surprised at the results and it actually took away some of the swelling. I work out every other day and I think these will help.


Leo J
Alabama, United States
Baker's cyst

Thank you.

I never thought I would be able to walk without pain again.

Thanks to your product, I was pain free the day after I applied the first patch.

Marcia M
Indiana, United States
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