Wayne S

I’ve had a Baker’s cyst behind my right knee, caused by a knee injury, for 4 years. It is excruciatingly painful. I received cortisone injections every 3 months to ease the pain, but to no avail. Luckily, I stumbled upon your OSMO patches online. I put one behind my knee and one on the front my calf. To my surprise, the swelling was greatly reduced by the next morning! I would absolutely recommend the OSMO patch to anyone with this problem because I truly believe it works wonders.

I am extremely grateful for your product and I hope for many others to experience the relief I have as a result of using your OSMO patches.


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Shoulder bursitis

Hi, Have been using the patches now for 6 days, just wanted to know how long to use them for. I imagined until the area no longer has any fluid on the patch, have had bursitis in shoulder for 5 weeks now, have had only a small relief so far, Cheers

United States

Hi there,

I’ve been treating my cyst with OSMO Patches for six nights now and the improvement in my condition is fantastic.

It should be all gone after I finish the packet….

Daniel F
NSW, Australia
Baker's cyst caused by torn miniscus

Hi, I have been using the patches for a bakers cyst caused by torn miniscus. The patch takes care of it but in comes back in about a week. Is it safe to use a patch a week for an indefinite amount of time? Thank you,

Susan S
Ohio, United States
Knee problems

Dear Danniel,

I fell 1.5 meters landing on my patella. The pain was severe, after 2 weeks on crutches I was left with a fluid-filled bursa the size of half a golf-ball. I already had a swelling just below my kneecap for 5 years, and another specialist had thought this was probably a lipoma.

I’ve used 16 patches so far, in conjunction with acupuncture. The bursa began to shrink from the first patch, and is now almost gone. I’ve been able to return to my Taiji classes. What is more surprising is that the ‘lipoma’ also has almost vanished.

So, no invasive needle drainage for me, no surgery, and I’m recovering fast.

I am very impressed

Paul S
Auckland, New Zealand
Elbow bursitis

My elbow and shoulder were both injured at the same time, which were attended to by a highly respected orthopaedic physician.

After treatment, my shoulder fully recovered but the bursitis continued in full bloom. My doctor did not suggest draining it because the bursitis would likely return. After 7 weeks of no relief I researched the Internet for answers. That is when I discovered your product. On applying your patch to my elbow for 3 days the bursitis disappeared.

Simply amazing. Thank you!

Robert F
Florida, United States
General Bursitis

To Toky, Customer care, I wanted to inform you that I’ve ordered more patches. My partner and I were totally amazed by this product. We have seen a significant difference in the size of his bursitis. It’s getting smaller after every use, and we both feel that having extra would be beneficial. It’s a shame […]

Annette A
Ontario, Canada
Baker's cyst


Just want you to know that I was able to walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes yesterday without leg pain for the first time in over 2 years!


Bob R
Ohio, United States
Swelling in the knee & arthritic pain in the knee

Dear Danniel,

I completed the OSMO Patch treatment and have found it to be very beneficial in that it has eliminated the swelling in my knee and has minimized the arthritic pain also present in my knee.

I consider it to be a very good treatment for reducing or totally eliminating swelling of an area.

I highly recommend its usage.

Mae A
New Jersey, United States
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