William B

I received the patches on SATURDAY and this is working fine.                                    



Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Baker's cyst

Thank you for responding. I think I will save my last two patches in case I need them. Right now, I have such great improvement, I am no longer wearing the knee brace and I can walk up and down stairs with alternating feet. Have not done that for a while! Thanks again,

Ms. Dale C
Georgia, United States
General Bursitis

Thanks again.  I found the first batch really worked!! You have a wonderful product

Bill T
Nevada, United States
Baker's cyst

Hi Toky,

Thank you very much for sending the patches to Ukraine.

My mother finds them very helpful and asked if I could get her more.


Vitaliy V
Ternopil Region, Ukraine

Hi there,

I’ve been treating my cyst with OSMO Patches for six nights now and the improvement in my condition is fantastic.

It should be all gone after I finish the packet….

Daniel F
NSW, Australia
Baker's cyst


The Osmo patch definitely helps my baker’s cyst (behind my left knee)!

It is temporary, but the relief is enormous!

I use it every few weeks and the swelling and discomfort abate greatly!

Thank you

Linda M
California, United States
General Bursitis

Just to let you know-I am totally amazed at how your patches work-the ten patches have removed 95% of the fluid in the bursa-I have ordered more just in case it happens again-I have had major problems before with a busa being drained by needle and infection setting in-so many thanks for a great product-I […]

Peter W
California, United States
Bakers Cyst on the knee

I hurt my knee quite severely when out bushwalking in the Mt Mitchell National Park. I hadn’t been doing much strenuous walking and on the way down I got a nasty pain in my knee.

My doctor told me I had a Bakers Cyst on the knee. I found your website and the OSMO Patch sounded like a good idea and I ordered it. It arrived within seven days of placing the order and it relieved the pain overnight. I find if I use the patches for three nights (until it’s dry) I have no pain for several weeks.

I like it because it’s a natural non-invasive treatment and above all it works. I don’t like taking pills and anti-inflammatory medication and prefer natural methods over drugs.

Gabrielle W
QLD, Australia
Excruciating pain of bursitis

Please pass on my eternal thanks for this product. I would like to say how wonderful the patches are.  I am proof that they work. I am 80 years old and had the excruciating pain of bursitis for 10 days. I used up three boxes of painkillers to no avail.  Then in desperation looked on […]

Mavis S.
Gartempe, France
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