Knee Bursitis Testimonials
Bursitis in the knee can often make even everyday activities difficult, dramatically impacting your quality of life.
The OSMO Patch is an ideal natural alternative for relieving inflammation, swelling and associated pain due to knee bursitis. We invite you to read the testimonials below to see what others have to say about the OSMO Patch. The quality of so many people’s lives has been improved by using the OSMO Patch for the treatment of knee bursitis.
Hello Jasmine, I just wanted to say that my husband has been using the patches for a few days now and they have definitely made a difference to his knee, I have brought some more from one of your UK stockists, The Health Workshop, and they, like you, could not have been more helpful. Thank you
As much as I dislike the fact of getting older (I am sure most can empathise); the 50’s are very enjoyable. I have always been a very active person over the years, and when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, lots of time at the gym, swimming 1000M most days, plenty of walking etc, all took a high priority.
A couple of years ago I developed quite a discomfort in my left hip. I attempted to ignore it for some time, but after much deliberation went to see a doctor. After ultra sounds and MRI it was diagnosed I had bursitis in that hip joint. I went for cortisone injections twice, but found after both times it really did not ease the pain much. Quite a few visits to Physio’s trying to correct a lazy gluteus minimus muscle became a bit frustrating.
I just happened throw the word ‘bursitis’ at the PC one day and came across the OSMO patch web site. Not having anything to lose I immediately ordered 10 of the patches. They arrived within a couple of days and I placed a patch on the affected hip area that first night, then continued for a total of three nights. I was absolutely stunned that after the third application the pain in my left hip had disappeared. It was a few weeks before I actually felt I needed to reapply anymore patches to that area due to a small amount of pain returning. I am assuming that the bursitis problem will always be there, however it is very comforting to know that the OSMO patches extract the excess fluid from the area so that you can virtually live pain free.
Extremely happy that I stumbled on the web site.
Kind Regards
I had a sac of fluid to the upper-right of my knee. Quite large. Initially I had pulled my calf muscle and without realizing the extent of the pull, I continued to pursue my daily routine which consisted of morning workouts at the gym including “spin” class. Needless to say, I aggravated the whole situation. My leg became feverish, swollen and quite painful. The doctor diagnosed this as “possible” gout. It was only after the swelling went down did I notice the sac.
Upon searching myself for possible causes, I came across your site. Although it’s harmful, I believe, to diagnose oneself, bursa looked like a real possibility, and since it was a “natural” remedy, I didn’t think it would do any harm. I’ve had good results with other natural products, so why not give it a try.
After three days on the patch, I found that the sac pretty much dissolved. Was I going to heal anyway? Maybe. Was it the combination of natural healing and the stimulation of the patch? Maybe. In any event, I am now sac free.
I have used your patches with great success for a bursa that I got when I was thrown from a horse. I have used it also for my husband’s knee.
Dear Danniel,
I fell 1.5 metres onto the road, landing on my patella. The pain was severe, and after two weeks on crutches I was left with a fluid-filled bursa the size of half a golf-ball on my knee. I already had a swelling just below my kneecap for five years, and another specialist had thought this was probably a lipoma, or benign fatty tumour. An orthopaedic specialist at A&E told me it wasn’t a good idea to drain the fluid from the bursa due to the possibility of infection, and that the ‘lipoma’ could only be removed surgically.
I’ve used 16 of your patches so far, in conjunction with acupuncture. The bursa began to shrink from the first patch, and is now almost gone. I’ve been able to return to my Taiji classes. What is more surprising is that the ‘lipoma’ also has almost vanished: probably this ‘lipoma’ was in fact another bursitis, and not a lipoma at all.
So, no invasive needle drainage for me, no surgery, and I’m recovering fast. I’ve ordered another packet of OSMO patches, just to finish the job: I am very impressed.
Dear Toky,
Some time ago I corresponded with you and was duly sent 10 patches to try for bursitis of the knee. As I am a Carmelite Nun, our life is dedicated to prayer so kneeling is rather important!! I kept off the knee for a long time before trying the patches and found it helped to ease the condition, however it still felt painful to kneel.
I consulted my doctor where exactly to put the patch as there wasn’t overt visible swelling though it was puffy. He showed me, and after the first night, sure enough there were signs fluid had been drawn off. The second night the same. The area became flat and normal. I have gingerly begun kneeling again with knee pads. However I have noticed there is now no pain and the knee looks perfectly normal.
This was a couple of weeks ago and I thought I would give it a good go to make sure before informing you of the patches’ success! So that is good news and I am delighted. I have the other 8 patches now in case of recurrence or to help anyone else with the same.
I would also like to mention that your attitude to your customers is exemplary and obviously sincere. Thank you Toky! I am very grateful and will certainly recommend them. I hope this email gets through.
Thanks Every blessing
Many thanks Toky….they were fab last time and its now been over 6 months since I have had to use them. Alas it seems my bursitus is back, so hence the need for the wonder patches……I got a bit careless with kneeling on my knee, so all my fault.
Dear Friends at MediWise,
I had what a nurse practioner at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London called ‘that huge bursa’ on my right knee as a direct result of falling from the top of a railway staircase when the city was inundated with a snowfall and resulting ice. I received your patches the day before yesterday and after two nights am now completely back to normal. I cannot thank you enough. This is one of the BEST investments I have ever made and I will certainly be happy to recommend it to anyone who is looking for rapid relief from bursitis.
Cheers for now,
I ordered these patches for my son who has terrible bursitis in his knee. He owns a carpet installing business and the constant kicking has really damaged his knee..He took meds..had steroid shot…nothing worked…The doctor told him he needed surgery… I had found your patches on line and they have worked for him.
Thanks so much, Sincerely,